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Limpieza de Ductos

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Datos Generales

  • Estimados gratuitos de nuestros servicios de limpieza de ductos.
  • Método y equipo de limpieza adecuados y aprobados por NADCA (National Air Duct Cleaning Association)
  • Más de 140,000 limpiezas de ductos de aire han sido completadas desde 1956.
  • Todos nuestros servicios están garantizados y cuentan con 100% de satisfacción del cliente.
  • A Todos nuestros técnicos le han sido revisados sus antecedentes y la certificación EPA 608.
  • Estamos totalmente licenciados en el estado de Florida y asegurados (CAC1818996).


Nuestro equipo profesional de calidad del aire y limpieza de ductos de ABH está preparado para hacer frente a ductos de aire muy sucios. Con más de 40 años de experiencia en propiedades residenciales y comerciales, nuestro equipo especializado mejora la calidad del aire que usted y su familia respiran diariamente en su hogar u oficina.


Estamos orgullosos de usar los métodos más eficaces y el equipo más competente aprobado por NADCA. El proceso se puede dividir en los siguientes 2 componentes claves:

Rompiendo los contaminantes sueltos:

La limpieza adecuada de los sistemas HVAC requiere eliminar las fuentes de contaminación. La remoción de la fuente comienza con el uso de uno o más dispositivos de agitación diseñados para aflojar los contaminantes de las superficies dentro del sistema de calefacción y aire acondicionado. Ejemplos de dispositivos de agitación incluyen: cepillos, látigos de aire y boquillas de aire comprimido o "pelotas de patrón". La agitación también puede conseguirse mediante cepillado manual o aspiración por contacto.

Colección de Contaminantes:

Durante la limpieza, todo el sistema HVAC se coloca bajo presión negativa continua (un vacío) para evitar la propagación de contaminantes. La presión negativa continua permite extraer partículas muy finas del sistema a medida que se vuelven aerotransportadas, asegurando que estas partículas no se liberen en el espacio vital cuando el sistema se enciende después de la limpieza. Esta presión negativa también sirve para extraer los contaminantes aflojados, que se recogen y se retiran de su hogar.

Preguntas Frecuentes

Why Clean Air Ducts? Arrow Icon
In addition to normal accumulations of dust and dirt found in all homes with air ducts, there are several other factors that can increase the need for regular HVAC system cleaning:
  • Pets.
  • Occupants with allergies or asthma.
  • Cigarette or cigar smoke.
  • Water contamination or damage to the home or HVAC system.
  • Home renovation or remodeling projects.
Some occupants are more sensitive to these contaminants than others. Allergy and asthma sufferers, as well as young children and the elderly tend to be more susceptible to the types of poor indoor air quality that air duct cleaning can help address.
Source: National Air Duct Cleaning Association (NADCA)
Can I really get my ducts cleaned for those $99 promotion specials? Arrow Icon
Consumers should beware of “blow-and-go” air duct cleaning companies. These companies often charge a nominal fee and do a poor job of cleaning the heating and cooling system. These companies may also persuade the consumer to pay for unneeded services with and/or without their permission.

Consumers are told they have mold and other toxic substances in their HVAC systems – claims which are most likely false and used merely to extort money. Coupons and flyers advertising rock bottom prices on “whole house air duct cleaning” and “HVAC mold and soot removal” arrive in the mail daily for some households.
Source: National Air Duct Cleaning Association (NADCA)
Are there any benefits that come from HVAC system cleaning? Arrow Icon
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems have been shown to collection a variety of contaminants such as mold, fungi, bacteria and very small particles of dust that have the potential to affect overall health, The removal of such contaminants from the HVAC system and home should be considered one component in an overall plan to improve indoor air quality.
Source: National Air Duct Cleaning Association (NADCA)
Does ABH Air Conditioning use proper cleaning methods as specified by NADCA? Arrow Icon
We take pride in using the most effective methods and strongest equipment as specified by NADCA. The process can be broken down into the following 2 key components:

Breaking Contaminants Loose

Properly cleaning HVAC systems requires removing the sources of contamination. Source removal begins with the use of one or more agitation devices designed to loosen contaminants from the surfaces within the heating and air conditioning system. Examples of agitation devices include: brushes, air whips and compressed air nozzles or “skipper balls.” Agitation can also be achieved through hand-brushing or contact vacuuming.

Collection of Contaminants

During cleaning, the entire HVAC system is placed under continuous negative pressure (a vacuum) to prevent the spread of contaminants. Continuous negative pressure allows very fine particles to be removed from the system as they become airborne, ensuring that these particles are not released into the living space when the system is turned on after cleaning. This negative pressure also serves to extract the loosened contaminants, which are collected and removed from your home. Source: National Air Duct Cleaning Association (NADCA)
Will cleaning my AC system save me energy?Arrow Icon
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 25 to 40 percent of the energy used for heating or cooling a home is wasted. Contaminants in the heating and cooling system cause it to work harder and shorten the life of your system. Although filters are used, the heating and cooling system still gets dirty through normal use.

When an HVAC system is clean, it doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain the temperature you desire. As a result, less energy is used, leading to improved cost-effectiveness.
Source: National Air Duct Cleaning Association (NADCA)


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